Sign up for FREE to become a member of the Great Lakes Haunters Association. Once you are a registered member, you will have access to our Members Area with various assets for online marketing, print material and resources for Covid-19 Safety, Rules and Warnings Poster/Videos, Actor Paperwork, and more.  

    Submit Your Haunt Info

    STEP 1: Add Your Contact Info

    What is your role

    OwnerAttraction ManagerDecision Maker

    Estimated Attendance

    Under 5,000Under 10,000Under 25,000Under 40,000Over 40,000

    STEP 2: Add Haunt Info

    What time of Attraction do you have

    Haunted HouseHayrideHaunted TrailCorn MazePumpkin PatchCider MillHaunted Event

    STEP 3: Services Your Interested In

    Do you need anything other services? Great Lakes Haunters Association can Help you with all your needs - Just Check All Categories That Apply

    I don't need anything elseAdvertisingWebsite OptimizationSocial Media TipsMerch AlternativesQueue Line WarningsBulk BuyingFlyersOnline TicketsVinyl BannersHaunt DesignSet DesignCross PromotionActor TrainingCovid 19 Related TipsFire Marshall AdviceActor TrainingGetting Local SponsorshipInsuranceLighting & SoundsVideo ProductionConstruction TipsScare DesignsProp ControllersPneumatic DesignHaunt SafetyLocal MediaPress Releases
